Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Healing of Body, Mind and Spirit

(An effective prayer for healing.  Pray this prayer with faith and trust in your heart.  If you are praying over someone, add the name of the person.)

Dear Lord, I know that there is no sickness You cannot heal.  You know all things, You can do all things and I know You love me very much.  With faith in Your promise that whatever we ask in prayer, You will grant us if it will be good for our soul.  I come before You to ask for the healing of my body, mind, emotions and spirit.  Touch me now where I am hurting most.  Only You know what kind of healing I need most right now.  Let the grace of Your divine love flow and spread to the different parts of my body reaching the inner recesses of my being.  Comfort me in my pain and anguish.  Correct any malfunctioning of my body organs.  Melt with Your healing love any abnormal growths.  Arrest all further spreading of all sick cells and replace them with healthy cells.  Root out all unresolved hurts, resentments, fears and feelings of despair and frustration.  Heal all painful memories and repercussions of traumatic experiences.  Grant me the grace to accept this trial and suffering as a share in Your own sufferings and offer this for the salvation of my soul and those of my family and loved ones.  Forgive me for all my sins and fill me with Your love, peace, joy, kindness and generosity.  Let me realize the deeper meaning of my sickness and trial and lead me closer to You as I find comfort in Your loving heart.  Let me find joy and peace amidst my suffering, and with eyes of faith, see the blessing and victory that await me.  And then, dear Father, after I have been healed, may I be a witness of Your healing power and bring glory, honor and praise to You.  This I pray in Jesus’ name through Mary and all the saints.  Amen.

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