Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Prayer of Blessing for Buildings

 (This prayer may be said frequently to protect a locale from evil.)

Prayer of Blessing for Buildings
O Father, come and visit our home (shop, office, and so on) and protect us from the lures of the enemy; may Your holy angels come to guard our peace and may Your blessing remain with us forever.  In Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Who said to your apostles, “In whatever home you enter, greet it, saying, ‘Peace be in this home,’” let this same peace, we pray, abide in this place.  We beseech You to sanctify it by the merits of our trusting prayer.

Pour Your blessings on it, and make it a place of peace.  May salvation enter our abode as it entered the house of Zacchaeus, when You graced it with your presence.

Entrust Your angels to guard it and banish from it every evil power.

Grant that all who live in it may please You with their good works, and so receive from You, when their time comes, the reward of Your heavenly home.   We ask this through Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

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