Spiritual spices

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Blessed Chiara Badano

Prayer to BLESSED 

O Father, fount of every good,
we give You thanks for  the wonderful
testimony of Blessed Chiara Badano.
Filled with the Holy Spirit and guided by the radiant light of Jesus,
she believed firmly in Your infinite love, and wished to return it with all her strength, surrendering herself in complete trust to Your paternal will.

We humbly  beseech You that You may also grant us
the gift to live with You and for You,
and ask You, if it be Your will, for the grace ...
through Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Novena to God’s mercy for the intercession 
of Blessed Chiara Badano

• O Father of immense goodness, I am grateful for the great gift of faith.

Aware of my imperfections, I beg you to grant me the grace to imitate more closely the examples of your Son Jesus, in accordance with the lives of the Saints.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

• O God our Father, source of all good, I thank you for loving us immensely to the point of giving us the gift of your Son.

Help me, please, to love you back with all my strength, obeying your will and humbly accepting the provisions of your Providence, according to the example of Blessed Chiara: “If you want it Jesus, so do I”.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

• Holy Father, you so loved humanity that you gave us your Son, who by the sacrifice

of his life has given us the greatest good of salvation.
Grant me the grace to imitate the generosity of his brotherly love, docile to his request: “As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (Jn 13:34).

Make me therefore attentive to the needs and suffering of my neighbors, ready and willing to listen, comfort and help according to my possibilities.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

• O God, holy and almighty, I am aware of all the imperfections affecting my knowledge and my abilities, my will and my acts.

I therefore commend myself to your infinite goodness so that you might grant me the grace to obey your commandments and accept the decisions of your Providence, in imitation of the docility of your Son Jesus: “Not my will, but yours be done” (Lk 22:42).

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

• O Father, source of all good, I am humbled by my infidelities. Instead of returning your immense love, I succumbed to the allure of selfishness and pride, the urges
of pleasure, the pressure of bad examples. Pained by those faults, I turn to your infinite mercy to be forgiven thanks to Jesus’ sacrifice.
Because sincere repentance requires the commitment of conversion, I implore your help in making prayer and habitual union with you more intense and more fervent.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

• O God of paternal benevolence, you exhort us to listen to your Son, admirable example of generosity in dedicating plenty of time to dialogue with you.

It is right that I also imitate him in order to thank you for your immense love, to meditate on your Word, to implore for light and support to fulfill my duties and to intercede for the needs of my brothers: “Lord, teach us to pray “ (Luke 11:1).

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

• Father of infinite benevolence, I beseech your grace to learn how to turn often to you in the course of my days, in order to confide spontaneously my moods to you: thoughts and feelings, intentions and decisions, joys and sorrows.

Teach me to consult you, from time to time, for proper enlightenment on the way forward; teach me to promptly recognize mistakes and faults; to thank you for your love and your gifts.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
• O Father, fortress of those who hope in you, you have revealed the perfection of your holiness and love, so that I have a firm and unwavering confidence in your faithfulness to promises.  You have given me the assurance that I will not be tried beyond my strength and that, together with Jesus, you will always be with me to support me in any trouble.

I implore, in particular, your grace to hope firmly in eternal life: that full, perennial and happy communion with you.

With your help, therefore, I join the exhortation of Blessed Chiara: “Trust in God!”.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

• O God, source of all good, your Son Jesus asks us to take part in his mission:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations [...] teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Mt 28:19).

I must have at heart the good of every person: therefore, you ask me to help others with my example and words in getting to know Jesus and his teaching, so that I can
accept the gifts of your grace, share your friendship and attain salvation.

In particular, I dare to ask you for a grace that is so close to my heart ..... through the intercession of the Saints and in particular of Blessed Chiara Badano.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

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